When we perceive someone to possess admirable qualities, it is natural that we would want to look up to them as a role model. Not only are we acknowledging someone’s positive attributes and achievements, but we strive to emulate them and hopefully serve as an example to others. What are some of the characteristics of a role model that make them so beloved by so many? Here are eight common traits that attract us to such individuals.

One of the most important features of a role model is their ability to accept people for who they are. They don’t care what they look like, who they date, or what their gender is; they simply see them as being worthy of respect and understanding. In fact, a role model fully embraces diversity and does their best to learn from the unique experiences of others. When somebody holds an opposing view about something, they are willing to engage with them in a respectful manner even when they don’t agree. Peace, inclusivity, and equality are what role models make their life missions.

When someone cares deeply for others, it shows a willingness to put them ahead of one’s self. This is precisely what an idol does. They are compassionate, kind, and want to do their part to make a difference in the lives of those who need the support the most. They are generous with their time and resources, donating their time to work in a soup kitchen or giving money to charity. In their personal lives, they are building friendships and developing strong, meaningful connections with others.

When a role model displays determination, they are sending a message that they will put in as much effort as they need to accomplish their goals. They stay focused on the task and find reasons to remain motivated even when they face setbacks. They are not afraid to make mistakes because they know they will learn something from the experience. Of course, none of this is to say they are obsessed with the idea of succeeding at all costs. They are ethical and make positive choices that don’t come at the expense of others.

A person worth admiring is never content with the status quo. Instead, they are highly ambitious and want to make a difference, even when it requires a high degree of risk. They will be the first to accept an assignment or task, and will offer their own vision of what would make the project a success. Ultimately, they are always finding new and innovative ways to solve problems and are willing to push the boundaries of what is possible.

There is no question that joy is contagious. If you see somebody flashing a radiant smile at you, it is hard to resist wanting to smile back at them. The reason these people deserve our admiration is because they are so willing to find happiness in the simplest things in life and want to spread that joy to others. They take a realistic approach to things, but at the same time do their best to look at the bright side of any given situation, they remain optimistic in the face of adversity, and find the good in others.

One of the obvious reasons why we are drawn to certain people is because of their authenticity. Genuineness is a trait that is highly underrated, but it is an absolute must when the goal is to build trust in relationships. A role model has no need to tell falsehoods. They live a life of honesty and transparency, which also includes being themselves at all times. They are willing to be vulnerable and demonstrate that they aren’t perfect all of the time, but they also make it clear that they’re trying their best.

We should always look up to people who succeed but feel no need to boast about being better than others. They simply let what they’ve achieved speak for themselves. They don’t actively seek out the spotlight or recognition, but if they are honored in some fashion, they always make it a point to mention the people in their lives that made their accomplishments possible.

Finally, it is clear that individuals who exhibit success and leadership qualities do so because they are highly confident in themselves. And who wouldn’t want to be around such people? They channel their self-assurance and assertiveness in ways that inspire others. But at the same time, the fact that they are confident doesn’t mean they are cocky. Nor does it indicate they lack self-awareness. In fact, the complete opposite is true. They know exactly who they are – warts and all – and are open to feedback and constructive criticism since they are constantly looking for ways to improve.