Social media has many benefits, such as exposing us to different lifestyles, connecting us with other people, and helping us learn new things. But they also have a bad side: it seems that no matter how much good you want to do with what you post, those trolls who believe they have the right to criticize everything. Abby Bible knows this very well, a influencer American who decided to stop hiding her plus size body to inspire others to love themselves and have fun with fashion and, although she has received a lot of love in return, she has also had to endure incredibly hateful comments. He learns more about this woman and her message of acceptance.

Great popularity
Abby Bible is 25 years old and has gained popularity on social media because not only does she promote dressing however you want regardless of weight and body type, but she also does it in a completely fashionista. And this content creator also works in a fashion company. With a size 22 (USA), Abby brings her message of “chubby without complexes” to more than 193,000 followers on TikTok, where her videos have amassed an incredible 8.8 million “likes,” and 64,200 followers on Instagram .

Your content
In her posts, Abby always maintains a positive attitude and showcases not only her creative outfit combinations, but also her daily life, activities, and her relationship with her boyfriend, Kyle. In short, she shows that she lives and enjoys living, regardless of her size. This is appreciated by many of her followers, but for others it seems to be an annoyance. In a video she posted on TikTok wearing a red bikini, which by the way has almost 4,000 likes, she received comments claiming that “fat women shouldn’t wear strapless swimsuits.”

Valuable message
In response to those hateful words, Abby uploaded another video, also in a bikini, in which, looking at the camera, she said: “I don’t care. If you don’t like it, look away.” In a later Instagram post, she became more candid, explaining, “Sometimes I get so discouraged by how hateful people on the internet can be, but knowing that I could make at least one person smile or take a baby step toward loving myself.” more to herself, makes it all worth it. So thank you all for being here.” And her message works. One of her followers said that thanks to her video, she dared to buy her first two-piece swimsuit.

Path to self-love
In a participation she had on the famous Dr. Phil program, Abby said that she had difficulties because of her size all her life. “A personal trainer once told me that if I wanted to have friends I should lose weight, because no one would want me to be fat.” With a lot of sacrifice she managed to lose almost 100 pounds (45 kilos) and reach a weight of 108 kilos, but she realized that she was no longer unhappy. “We don’t need to exist in smaller bodies to live a fulfilling life. Those memories with your friends and family at the beach or pool are more important than the way your body looks right now… Life doesn’t magically begin when you lose weight. You also have value and deserve a great life just as you are now,” she wrote in an Instagram post.

Inclusion of large sizes
Abby has said that she regrets that there are people who simply “hate those who live in larger bodies,” and that this translates to there still being little representation of larger sizes in the fashion industry. For this reason, she celebrates the few inclusions that are little by little achieved with brands. For her, representation matters, even if it has adversaries. “In the media we still have a lot of negative connotations about certain body types… There is a lot of shame and people still feel uncomfortable.” As inclusion progresses, Abby continues to post content and let people know trolls that your negativity will not affect your self-love.