Ways in which the economic crisis affects couples

Ways in which the economic crisis affects couples

The world is going through an economic crisis that not only impacts the pocketbook. Financial problems and uncertainty sneak into couples’ bedrooms, as monetary conflicts take their toll on emotional relationships to the point of breakup. Here we tell you the ways in which the economy influences love relationships.

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The type of relationship

The economy of a home is an important part of a relationship. Finances influence the stability of the couple. If there is a good influx of resources, several conflicts are avoided and this area is lived in peace. On the contrary, if you go through an economic crisis, you lose your balance. This is when two scenarios may arise that will depend on the type of relationship that was previously in place. When a couple is already weak, that is, they are going through emotional problems of any kind and there is no strong bond, it is more likely that when they go through monetary shortages they will become even weaker. Often, the difficulties generated by these crises lead to a separation. However, psychology experts point out that if the couple is strong, has a healthy and balanced love bond, they tend to overcome difficulties with fortitude and become more united.

Couple Discussing Finances, Blue, Comfort, Table, Sleeve, Gesture

More fuel for the fire

Financial problems can become a determining factor in breakups. Reproaches, blame and internal problems usually surface during the crisis. Adapting to new conditions at home is adding fuel to the fire.

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Solidarity in the face of the crisis

Fouce explains that psychology conditions the love of a couple to three factors: intimacy, passion and commitment. In healthy couples, the crisis can reduce the first two factors, but enhance the last one. The tensions and conflicts derived from the economy keep relationships maintained and prevent the decision to break up, even if it seems like a contradiction. It is then that thoughts arise such as “we will hold on because we are in a bad time”, “he may be fired”, “hope is the last thing that is lost”, etc. The reaction will be one of understanding for the other and solidarity. Constant communication and being empathetic is vital for this situation of unity to occur in the face of crisis.

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And what about sex?

Sex is a key ingredient in relationships. Also, it is a delicate area, since problems of any kind can affect it. That is why it is natural that financial deficiencies and insecurity affect the couple’s sexuality, for better or worse. Research carried out by the South Bank University of London indicated that in times of economic difficulty people tend to be more passive and conservative, while in times of prosperity they are more open to non-traditional sexuality. Each person’s individuality and way of dealing with difficulties will also influence whether their sexual desire decreases or increases.

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Affected libido

Sexologist Francisca Moleno explains that some will look for sex as an escape or refuge from their concern about the crisis, which will improve activity. Of course, if you have your other needs covered. On the contrary, the majority will be so worried about bills and covering household expenses that they stop thinking about sex: “They don’t feel like doing anything, their libido decreases.” Another important factor in this issue is gender. Men are usually the most affected in their sexuality by the issue of money. Masculinity, which gives him a social role as provider, and his ego, are reduced. If, for example, you become unemployed, you may feel that family, friends and your partner no longer see you the same. Not being able to bring money home can significantly affect your sexuality and result in erection failures.

Girl, Shoulder, Vision care, Eyewear, Happy, Gesture

Recommendations from psychologists

As already mentioned, it is almost impossible for couples to not be affected by the current economic crisis. Despite this, there are tools that could reduce conflicts and emerge successfully from the situation. Among the keys that psychologists provide are:

-. Be objective and realistic with the economic circumstances you are experiencing.


-. Give priority to the couple’s relationship in the face of conflicts that arise.

-. Constantly communicate with your partner intimately.

-. Being aware that financial shortcomings are a shared challenge for both of you.

-. Avoid isolation. Talk to your partner about what worries you; Otherwise, there is a risk of an outbreak of reproaches.

-. Be understanding and ask your partner for help when needed.

-. Share quality time together. Don’t stop being affectionate.

-. Understand that this is a momentary situation: “Money comes and goes.”
